Monday Soul Scripture: Read a Psalm
Tuesday Soul Scripture: Read a story about Jesus
Wednesday Soul Study: Watch a short Bible study video
Thursday Soul Story: Listen to stories as we eat together
Friday Soul Song: Listen to a soul song
Sunday Soul Service: Praise God and reflect on our theme
List of weekly readings can be found here: Lent Readings
Monday, March 24th: Psalm 32
Tuesday, March 25th: Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32
Wednesday, March 26th: Click here to access video
Thursday, March 27th: Join us at Gracious Street 10am or Six Poor Folk 7:00pm
Friday, March 28th: Click here to access video
Sunday, March 29th: Morning service 10am, Evening service 6:30pm
Our Vision
Gracious Street's vision is to be:
- Your Church for Your Whole Week
and our purpose is to be:
- Sharing Christ's Love
- Many People; One Family
- We Are All Needed
Our Mission Statement
Believing that God has shown his love for all in Jesus Christ we seek to be a:
- Worshipping Church embracing a wide variety of styles both traditional and contemporary
- Learning Church providing biblically based teaching and opportunities to explore and grow in the Christian faith through small groups
- Serving Church responding to local and world needs with prayer, giving and practical action
- Caring Church offering a welcome and support to children, young people and adults of all ages
- Witnessing Church sharing with others by word and deed the Good News of God’s love in Jesus Christ
Upcoming Events
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16