
Worship and prayer is the heartbeat of Gracious Street, and we are really pleased to welcome you at any of our services.

We have two regular services each Sunday at Gracious Street. These start at 10.00am and 6.30pm and last for approximately 1 hour each.

They are usually very well attended and we enjoy a wide range of worship styles. These include both traditional and contemporary hymns/songs and themed preaching.

Both services are welcoming and engaging but the evening service tends to be a little more reflective in nature, including Taize style services once a month during the winter period.

The first 15 minutes of the morning service is planned for all ages worshipping together before the children leave the main body of the church to attend Sunday Club. You can find out more about these groups in our ‘Families, Children and Young People’ leaflet.

Other services are held during the week and the schedule of these can be found on the Church Events Calendar page.