

The Methodist Church has two forms of ordained ministry called Presbyteral and Diaconal. Here at Gracious Street we have a Presbyter Minister.

Our Minister is also responsible for two smaller churches at Kirk Hammerton and Kearby.


The Methodist Church has always adopted the practice of having joint lay and ministerial leadership. The General Church Meeting, which meets once a year, is the forum at which lay people are appointed for specific roles including membership of the Church Council, the Leadership Team and Worship Stewards.

The Church Council is made up of representatives from all areas of church life. These representatives make the big decisions and serve as the legal managing trustees.

The Leadership Team works closely with the minister to provide coordination, leadership and support over the whole range of the church’s life and activity. The team are particularly charged to hold together in unity the variety of concerns that are contained within the one ministry of the church. Names and photos of the team are on the website and in The Bridge; please do speak with them and ask any questions you may have.

Our Worship Stewards are responsible for overseeing all our services. They are critical to the life of the church and you will meet or be greeted by them when you join us for one of our services.

To enable all that is happening in the Church and in the Centre on Gracious Street we have our Management Team who looks after the administration and fabric of the buildings. They ensure the premises are kept in good condition and keep in regular contact with the different groups who meet here.