Prayer is an important part of Christian life and you will find that it features strongly at Gracious Street. We have an area set aside for prayer which has comfortable seating, books and CDs. This area is in the vestibule at the Gracious Street entrance to the church and is available for private prayer whenever the premises are open.
Of course there are parts of each Sunday service dedicated to prayer but every Wednesday at 11.15 am the church is called to “Pause for thought and prayer”. This session is held in the prayer area and a group of people take the opportunity to pray for the church, the town, the world and individual needs. You would be welcome to join us.
If you would like to ask that others pray for you, then you will find some prayer request cards in either in the Castle room or The Bridge. When you have written whatever you wish on the card, it can be pinned to a prayer board you will see on the wall or placed in the box outside the church office in The Bridge. These requests are then transferred to a prayer book in the church vestibule each Sunday and prayers are offered by members of the church during the week. If you would rather not use the cards, requests may also be entered directly in the book.
If you would like someone to pray with you, then there are often a number of volunteers in The Bridge that you can ask. In addition, there is the Wednesday prayer meeting discussed above; we also offer a period of prayer ministry after the Sunday morning worship.