Knitted Bible

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Date(s) - Wed 03 Jul 2019
10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Gracious Street Methodist Church

The Knitted Bible exhibition began life in a very small way in 2008 when a few members of St George’s United Reformed Church in Hartlepool starting knitting to create the scene of ‘The Last Supper’. The project has since grown amazingly and now comprises 33 different table-top scenes depicting some of the best-known stories in the Bible ranging from Noah and his ark, Daniel in the lion’s den and Jonah and the whale to the Christmas and Easter stories.

In the years since 2008 the exhibition has toured the country and been seen in literally hundreds of locations by thousands of people. Many schools have made class visits to the exhibition which meets the needs of the primary school curriculum, and it has also attracted members of the WI and other community groups and individuals interested in the increasingly popular craft of knitting.