Playbox – weekly fun for grown-ups and toddlers
We have a really active carers and toddler group that we call Playbox. It is held between 10.00 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. on Fridays during term. When you come along you will be able to enjoy a relaxing cup of tea or coffee and have the opportunity to make new friends while your child plays and learns.
We have a wide range of activities: creative play, soft toys for babies, books, puzzles, painting and crafts. Our friendly and supportive team is made up of voluntary members of our church community and we end each of our sessions with a time of singing together. At the end of each term we have a short 'Toddler Praise'' led by our minister.
In May this year, Playbox will celebrated it’s 30th birthday. This is a big achievement for a volunteer run toddler group and we are really excited to share this achievement with the church and the wider community.
Dates for Playbox through to 10th January 2020 are:
4th October – Harvest
11th October
18th October – Flamingo cards
25th October and 1st November - no Playbox
Normal sessions on 8th November and 15th November
22nd November – Tempest Photos
29th November – Painting pots
6th December – Christmas party
13th December – Nativity play with Noah’s Ark
20th December, 27th December and 3rd January – no Playbox
10th January – normal Playbox
For further information please call Sheila Bradley-Smith on 01423 866014.